We are supporting members to share new, urgent and sometimes difficult messages with their communities2023-03-01T16:20:52+00:00

Project Description


We are supporting members to share new, urgent and sometimes difficult messages with their communities


We are supporting members to share new, urgent and sometimes difficult messages with their communities

We are supporting members to share new, urgent and sometimes difficult messages with their communities

Newly arrived communities need lots of information to help them adjust and adapt quickly to life in the UK with its unfamiliar systems, laws, norms, responsibilities and expectations.   We want to ensure they get this guidance before problems arise. So our members created the ‘Welcome to the UK’ video guides in 10 languages.

During the Covid pandemic many agencies faced the question ‘How can we get  vital health messages to communities that are less trusting of authorities?’. Our members worked with the Local Maternity Services to create video messaging for pregnant women.

Communities are more receptive to messages they have helped create and are delivered by trusted peers. We understand that: 

  • Messages are best formed through a process that includes the communities themselves. This will make them relevant to the particular cultural lens, fears, concerns, perspectives or knowledge gaps that community has 
  • Who the messenger is is as important as the message itself. A community is more like to listen to informed and connected peer voices who they already trust
  • An inclusive process is more likely to produce messages that a community will be receptive to and take action on. A message that leads to changes in behaviour is more effective in protecting people or link them to opportunities. 

‘Welcome to the UK’

Free video guides to Parenting, the School System, Looking after your health, and Life & Laws in the UK, in 10 languages. Designed for group work but also accessible to individuals. Over 50 of our members, from 23 RCOs and 20 countries of origin across Africa, Middle East, South East Asia and Eastern Europe worked together to produce 3 free video guides to life in the UK. They developed content based on what they wish they had known when they first arrived in the UK. They hope it helps others avoid the problems they experienced in adapting to life in the UK.

Click here to go to the Welcome to the UK video guides and printed resources

Click here to find out about training we deliver to front line workers in any organisation to help people navigate and use the resources

Urgent Covid messages for pregnant women

We worked with our members and the Local Maternity Systems for the North East to co-produce these videos. Research showed that Black, Asian, and minority ethnic pregnant women had a higher risk of  becoming unwell from Covid. 7 of our members partnered with the Local Maternity Systems for the North East to produce urgent video messages for pregnant women in their communities so they could take action to protect themselves and their unborn babies.

Click here to see the videos

Our Programmes


We are empowering refugees and asylum seekers to support their communities

Are you a refugee or an asylum seeker living in the North East region with an idea to help your community? We want to help you turn your ideas into action. In the last 3 years we have supported over 100 refugee and asylum seeker community mobilisers, activists and advocates to organise support for their communities, increase their advocacy skills, build community organisations and widen their networks of influence and support.

Click here to see how we can
help you..


We are supporting members to share new, urgent and sometimes difficult messages with their communities

Newly arrived communities need a lot of information to help them adapt quickly to life in the UK with its unfamiliar systems, laws, norms, responsibilities and expectations. Communities are more receptive to messages that are co-produced and delivered by trusted peers.

Click here to find out more


We are influencing practice by building the knowledge and skills of front line professionals

We deliver training to front line staff and students that provides insight from lived experiences and builds empathetic understanding about challenges to family resilience, health and wellbeing, and safety. It helps trainees look behind the labels of ‘asylum seeker’ and ‘refugee’ and imagine themselves in their shoes. 

Click here to find out more

What we are doing to deliver change


If you have an idea to improve lives in your community, and want to join action for change, then get in touch with us today.



If you have an idea to improve lives in your community, and want to join action for change, then get in touch with us today.